
Agricultural sector

Responsible node:

  • Press rollers of the granulator.

Problem encountered:

  • Premature failure of the bearings of the pressing rollers of the granulators. Frequent stops of the technological chain of vegetable oil production. Cycles in 35 working days.

Our solution:

  • The pressing rollers of the granulator are equipped with bearings RKB 24038ECAC3W33C/4/A7, with an optimized internal design by bainite hardening and thermal stabilization of the rings for operating temperatures up to 200°C. The cycle of the extraction and oil production chain has increased to 50 working days.

Agricultural sector

Responsible node:

  • Press rollers of the granulator.

Problem encountered:

  • Premature failure of the bearings of the pressing rollers of the granulators. Frequent stops of the technological chain of vegetable oil production. Cycles in 35 working days.

Our solution:

  • The pressing rollers of the granulator are equipped with bearings RKB 24038ECAC3W33C/4/A7, with an optimized internal design by bainite hardening and thermal stabilization of the rings for operating temperatures up to 200°C. The cycle of the extraction and oil production chain has increased to 50 working days.
Products RKB

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