- Metallurgical industry
- Oil and gas industry
- Brick production
- Mining industry
- Сement industry
- Heavy engineering
- Marine, shipbuilding and offshore industry
- Crane production
- Food industry
- Sugar processing industry
- Agricultural sector
Responsible node:
Rolls for the production of fine cement fraction and final grinding.
Problem encountered:
- Premature failure of multi-row roller bearings on the crusher press rolls as a result of heavy loads.
Our solution:
- The RKB 4CRB8002F2CIIZB bearing is installed with bainite hardening of all rings and rolling elements, with a reinforced steel cage.
Сement industry
Responsible node:
Rolls for the production of fine cement fraction and final grinding.
Problem encountered:
- Premature failure of multi-row roller bearings on the crusher press rolls as a result of heavy loads.
Our solution:
- The RKB 4CRB8002F2CIIZB bearing is installed with bainite hardening of all rings and rolling elements, with a reinforced steel cage.